- The start, a sink full of peppers
- Before the Harvest
- Fresh Caribbean's from the Garden
- Weighing up the Caribbean Red Peppers for a Batch of Original Sauce
- Hard to find, Charleston Hot Cayenne Peppers
- Charleston Hot ready for picking
- Prepping the garden for planting. Soil is just right
- Rows covered, next step, the planting
- Cart full of Caribbean Red plants
- 60 Caribbean Red plants, going in the ground
- Staking the plants to protect against wind damage
- 2008 Arial view of the whole garden
- 2009 Arial view of the whole garden
- Ground level view, Caribbean Red Peppers
- Tabasco Peppers ready for picking
- Special pepper used in the sauce process. Impressive.
- Jalapeno Peppers ready for harvest
- Tomatoes soaking up the evening sun
- Gift Basket for a Chinese Auction
- Monster Bell Peppers. Stuffed peppers anyone?
- Siamese Caribbean Red Peppers
- Bob Hope Paste Tomato
- Giant Caribbean Red pepper
- Jay Leno the early years *Ghost Pepper
- Jay Leno the Later years
- Jay Leno the Golden years
- Fabulous Food Show IX Center Cleveland Ohio 2010
- The pay off, Ready for labeling after a long day of sauce making!
- Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!
- The begining of a new year 2015
- Tilling and planting 2015
- Five gallon bucket of huge peppers
- Double sink full of Ghost Peppers